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What is Anticafe?

Anticafe is a free space whose main feature is paying for the time spent in the venue, with various treats (tea, coffee, snacks), entertainment, and events included in the price.

At Anticafe, you are allowed to bring your own food and drinks, as well as order food delivery.

Our mission is to provide our guests with a comfortable and pleasant space with a beautiful interior and plenty of entertainment. Everything is set up for you to gather with a large group and have fun – board games, PlayStation 5, table tennis, hookahs, and much more.

Welcome to Anticafe

Our Story


Super mesto za bleju sa prijateljima. Ima društvenih igara na srpskom, ruskom i engleskom, i PS5 sa brojim igricama. U dvorištu su stoni tenis i stoni fudbal. Može se popiti čaj, kafa, sok, a imaju i nargilu. Ambijent je jako prijatan, kao da sam kod kuće. Sve preporuke!

Sara Stankovic

Врло пријатна атмосфера и љубазно особље. Имају широк спектар друштвених игара и бесплатан чај, кафу и кексиће као и студентски попуст! Дефинитивно ћу да дођем опет.

Zeljko Jovanovic

I don’t know where to begin with this place – it’s simply awesome. It’s run by the nicest people who look like they’re genuinely having fun just being there. If you want to play on the ps5, try out a new board game or just have a nice time in a cute cafe, definitely check it out. You pay by the hour, and there are multiple tariffs, with the best one being for students, because it not only is the cheapest, but also includes unlimited tea and coffee (can you believe that??). For reference, we spent around 3 hours there, drank some tea, had some lemonades and cookies and payed about 7€ per person in the end. Also something nice for non-smokers – cigarettes are forbidden inside, which was a really nice surprise, given that in most places in Serbia smoking is allowed. Another nice surprise were the parrots, which like to sing, but also, I have to warn you, seem to have some marital problems and tend to have heated discussions with each other.
Long story short, this place is a gem and you won’t be disappointed if you pay it a visit!

Kristina Yordanova